Eugene Kim korean girl

By way of an audition tape, Eugene was able to be part of a music group for SM Entertainment in South Korea, even though she was still in Guam. Debuting in 1997, S.E.S. became one of the biggest Korean groups of all time, having the record for biggest selling album by a female group in Korea. While in S.E.S., Eugene became known for her beauty and was part of the reason why S.E.S. had many advertising contracts. In fact, for certain print campaigns (like for Korean cosmetics company Etude), Eugene had the leading role, being the focus of the advertisements.

Eugene Kim korean girl
Eugene Kim korean girl

Eugene Kim korean girl
Eugene Kim korean girl

Eugene Kim korean girl
Eugene Kim korean girl

Eugene Kim korean girl
Eugene Kim korean girl

Eugene Kim korean girl
Eugene Kim korean girl

Eugene Kim korean girl
Eugene Kim korean girl

Eugene Kim korean girl
Eugene Kim korean girl

Eugene Kim korean girl
Eugene Kim korean girl

Eugene Kim korean girl
Eugene Kim korean girl

Eugene Kim korean girl
Eugene Kim korean girl